Letters to the Editor
Submission Guidelines
We welcome thoughtful responses to any of our material, be it praise or criticism, that add substance and depth to a discussion. Letters abiding by the following guidelines are more likely to get published.
- Refers to an article published within the past month, mentioning the title and publication date of the work in question.
- The letter should be brief (max 800 words), well-argued (relying on personal experience, evidence, facts, or expertise), and directly responding to a main argument.
- It should be relatively free of typos, grammatical and spelling mistakes.
- It should be devoid of personal attacks and derogatory comments of any kind.
- The letter should include the author’s full name, contact information (email and phone number) and title, especially if the author has vested personal or financial interests in the subject matter.
If your letter is selected for publication, we will contact you to verify your identity and share with you the version we will publish if edited for clarity and length.
To submit a letter to the editor:
Paste your submission in the body of the email (attachments will not be opened) and send it to: letters@thepublicsource.org