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The Lebanese Red Cross reports six people were killed and dozens injured in the hours-long street battles. One of the victims, Mariam Farhat, a mother of five children, was killed by a stray bullet to her head inside her home. Another victim, 32-year-old Ali Ibrahim, who worked at a local gym and fitness diner, was killed while delivering food to a customer nearby. He was described as “an innocent soul” whose “smile never hides.” Tayouneh, Lebanon. October 14, 2021. (Marwan Tahtah/The Public Source)

Obstruction of Justice Turns Deadly

Christina Cavalcanti
Karim Merhej
With new appliances now unaffordable, repair shops for washing machines, stove tops, and fridges have become a common sight in the neighborhood. Nabaa, Lebanon. June 26, 2021. (Mohamad Cheblak/The Public Source)

Nabaa’s Changing Face: Repurposing and Refurbishing in Times of Crisis

Once thriving markets are now shuttered, storefronts are turned into repair shops, daily life is being reworked.
Yara El Murr
Mohamad Cheblak